Changing the Narrative

One Day at a Time

Our goal is to help neighborhood kids by giving back through events and programs that will help educate, empower and enhance their opportunities for success. 

By being involved in the community and providing the necessary tools, we can help our future change the narrative one day at a time, one child at a time. We strive to help our neighbors beat the odds and come out on top through events and programs. 


Giving Back To Our Community One Event at a Time

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our goal is to help our neighborhood kids by giving back through events and programs that will help educate, empower and enhance their opportunities for success.


Giving back to our community through Education, Empowerment and Enhancement
Our Story

Our Story

Growing up on the streets of Highway Park and being involved in the rough days and nights has helped empowered us to strive for change. We want to use our stories to impact the children of today and show them there is a bright tomorrow.
charity Program

Keep Track of Our Donation Goals

BIKE DONATIONSHelp us reach our bike goal
donation collectionHelp our community outreach programs
Become a Volunteer

Why We Need You

Give Back to Your Community

Being a volunteer helps enrich the lives of others as well as giving you a sense of pride. 

Enhance the Life of Our Youth

Help us, help our kids be the best they can be through the events and programs we put together for them. 

Great Causes for a Great Community

Our goal is to have amazing events to help promote our community as well as show our community that we care.